I took this photo on a drive back from a beautiful overnight I'd had with my husband. 

The day before, as we approached our hotel carpark I had mentioned something about who I was that day, Nikki(prior to meeting my husband) or Nicola(he used my full name from day one and I loved it)...

I couldn't fully explain what I meant by what I had just said, but it made sense to me. Nikki was probably more fun, daring and impulsive. Although desperately seeking stability, security and love. Nicola, on the other hand, is predictable, cautious and overthinking. 

I'm sure my husband misses 'nikki' from time to time, but probably not the times that she stayed out all night, impulsively overindulging. 

I miss Nikki from time to time, her chameleon personality, her charm(albeit while intoxicated), her total ability to mask her inability. Her fearless naivety I will forever miss.